Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.editors.BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.editors.BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel


public class BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel
extends WizardPanel
implements ActionListener
This class is the "Choose a Component" page in the BindingWizard.

1.0 10/12/98
Hristo Tonev

Variable Index

 o bindingModelVObj
 o boundCompLibVObjs
 o boundProjVObjs
 o centerPanel
 o compLib
 o compLibRootVObjs
 o contentPanel
 o currentProject
 o existingCompButton
 o existingCompComboBox
 o existingCompPanel
 o existingCompTextArea
 o existingCompWorkPanel
 o jLabelVObj
 o jScrollPaneVObj
 o newCompButton
 o newCompComboBox
 o newCompLabelLabel
 o newCompLabelPanel
 o newCompLabelTextField
 o newCompPanel
 o newCompWorkPanel
 o noteTextArea
 o projRootVObjs
 o radioButtonsGroup
 o sliverImageLabel
 o sliverImagePanel
 o tableBindingModelVObj
 o titleTextArea
 o visualCafe

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.editors.BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel()
Default constructor
 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.editors.BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel(BindingWizardController)
The constructor that should be used in the wizard

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
 o bindExistingComponent()
This method will databind an already existing visual component It will generate ONLY BindingModel
 o cancel()
 o createContentPane()
 o createExistingCompPanel()
 o createNewCompPanel()
 o createNewComponent()
Add a new "databound" component This will create a new Component (may be a JScrollPane), BindingModel, and eventually a JLabel
 o createRadioButtons()
 o createSliverImagePanel()
 o entering()
 o exiting()
 o findDataBoundProjectComponents(VisualObject)
Build recursively the list with all "databound" components
 o findLastInsertedChild(VisualObject)
Helper method to find the last inserted child.
 o finish()
 o generateCode()
Generate the code for the new components
 o getNewY(VisualObject)
Helper method to find the Y for the component we are going to insert.
 o initControls()
 o introspectProject()
Introspects the current project to find all components that could be databound.
 o isDataBoundComponent(VisualObject)
 o isSupportedContainer(VisualObject)
 o main(String[])
 o setBindingModelBeanProperties(VisualObject, VisualObject, String)
 o setCustomProperty(VisualObject, String, String, Object, String)
Sets a property for the given VisualObject.
 o setObjectReferenceProperty(VisualObject, String, int)
Sets a property for the given VisualObject.
 o setProperty(VisualObject, String, String)
Sets a property for the given VisualObject.


 o bindingModelVObj
protected bindingModelVObj
 o boundCompLibVObjs
protected java.util.Vector boundCompLibVObjs
 o boundProjVObjs
protected java.util.Vector boundProjVObjs
 o centerPanel
protected centerPanel
 o compLib
protected compLib
 o compLibRootVObjs
protected[] compLibRootVObjs
 o contentPanel
protected contentPanel
 o currentProject
protected currentProject
 o existingCompButton
protected existingCompButton
 o existingCompComboBox
protected existingCompComboBox
 o existingCompPanel
protected existingCompPanel
 o existingCompTextArea
protected existingCompTextArea
 o existingCompWorkPanel
protected existingCompWorkPanel
 o jLabelVObj
protected jLabelVObj
 o jScrollPaneVObj
protected jScrollPaneVObj
 o newCompButton
protected newCompButton
 o newCompComboBox
protected newCompComboBox
 o newCompLabelLabel
protected newCompLabelLabel
 o newCompLabelPanel
protected newCompLabelPanel
 o newCompLabelTextField
protected newCompLabelTextField
 o newCompPanel
protected newCompPanel
 o newCompWorkPanel
protected newCompWorkPanel
 o noteTextArea
protected noteTextArea
 o projRootVObjs
protected[] projRootVObjs
 o radioButtonsGroup
protected radioButtonsGroup
 o sliverImageLabel
protected sliverImageLabel
 o sliverImagePanel
protected sliverImagePanel
 o tableBindingModelVObj
protected tableBindingModelVObj
 o titleTextArea
protected titleTextArea
 o visualCafe
protected visualCafe


 o BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel
public BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel()
Default constructor

 o BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel
public BindingWizardChooseComponentPanel(BindingWizardController controller)
The constructor that should be used in the wizard


 o actionPerformed
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
 o bindExistingComponent
protected void bindExistingComponent()
This method will databind an already existing visual component It will generate ONLY BindingModel

 o cancel
public void cancel()

cancel in class WizardPanel
 o createContentPane
protected void createContentPane()
 o createExistingCompPanel
protected void createExistingCompPanel()
 o createNewCompPanel
protected void createNewCompPanel()
 o createNewComponent
protected void createNewComponent()
Add a new "databound" component This will create a new Component (may be a JScrollPane), BindingModel, and eventually a JLabel

 o createRadioButtons
protected void createRadioButtons()
 o createSliverImagePanel
protected void createSliverImagePanel()
 o entering
public void entering()

entering in class WizardPanel
 o exiting
public boolean exiting()

exiting in class WizardPanel
 o findDataBoundProjectComponents
protected void findDataBoundProjectComponents(VisualObject vObj)
Build recursively the list with all "databound" components

 o findLastInsertedChild
public static findLastInsertedChild(VisualObject parentVObj)
Helper method to find the last inserted child. This method checks ONLY the first level in the hierarchy.

parentVObj - is the parent VisualObject
a reference to the last inserted child
 o finish
public void finish()

finish in class WizardPanel
 o generateCode
protected void generateCode()
Generate the code for the new components

 o getNewY
public static int getNewY(VisualObject parentVObj)
Helper method to find the Y for the component we are going to insert. This method checks ONLY the first level in the hierarchy.

parentVObj - is the parent VisualObject
the Y coordinate for the new component
 o initControls
protected void initControls()
 o introspectProject
protected void introspectProject()
Introspects the current project to find all components that could be databound. It finds the aready bound components as well.

 o isDataBoundComponent
public static boolean isDataBoundComponent(VisualObject vObj)

true if the component is an instance of one of the JFC component that we can databing
 o isSupportedContainer
public static boolean isSupportedContainer(VisualObject visualObject)

true if the component is an instance of one of the Containers we can insert into
 o main
public static void main(String[] args)
 o setBindingModelBeanProperties
public static void setBindingModelBeanProperties(VisualObject bindingModelVObj,
                                                 VisualObject vCompVObj,
                                                 String bindingName)

visualObject - is the object we are setting property to
vCompVObj - is the VisualObject of the visual component we are binding
bindingName - in the binding name to be used
 o setCustomProperty
public static void setCustomProperty(VisualObject visualObject,
                                     String propName,
                                     String strValue,
                                     Object objValue,
                                     String javaInitStrValue)
Sets a property for the given VisualObject. If the property is not found, nothing is changed.

visualObject, - the object to set the propery of.
propName - the property name.
strValue - the new value that should be set thru setAsText()
objValue - the new value that should be set thru setValue()
javaInitStrValue - the new value that should be returned by getJavaInitializationString()
 o setObjectReferenceProperty
public static void setObjectReferenceProperty(VisualObject visualObject,
                                              String propName,
                                              int refVisualObjectID)
Sets a property for the given VisualObject. If the property is not found, nothing is changed.

visualObject, - the object to set the propery of.
propName - the property name.
refVisualObjectID - the object ID of the VisualObject this property refers to or DEFAULT_OBJECT_REFERENCED or NODEFAULT_OBJECT_REFERENCED.
 o setProperty
public static void setProperty(VisualObject visualObject,
                               String propName,
                               String newValue)
Sets a property for the given VisualObject. If the property is not found, nothing is changed.

visualObject, - the object to set the propery of.
propName - the property name.
newValue - the new value for the property.

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